Lady rubbing her eyes causing recurrent ptosis. This will require ptosis surgery.

Recurrent ptosis This lovely lady came to see me with “recurrent” ptosis. She had successful surgery in 2009, and said that it failed 5 years later. During the consult, she kept touching her eyes, so I asked her if she rubbed…she said she wasn’t sure. So the key question to ask next is this: if …

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Pterygium surgery PERFECT technique I receive a lot of inquires about the PERFECT technique which I use for pterygium surgery as well as reconstructive surgery of the ocular surface The first image is 2 months post pterygium repair. Note the plica is still a little thickened and red The second image is 16months after surgery. …

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When surgery goes wrong - we can fix it

Overdone cosmetic surgery What happens when cosmetic surgery is overdone? This 50 yo lady called me in distress. This patient has been diagnosed with dry eye, but nothing works. Her problems started after being talked into having surgery known as lower eyelid “blepharoplasty” whilst overseas. She has had 3 surgical opinions here, and everyone has …

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Keratoconus, floppy eyelids and eye rubbing One of you kindly sent me this patient to assess. She is an obese young female with reduced vision in the one eye.She certainly does have keratoconus in the right eye, and as expected, aggressively rubs the right eye.But have a look at her right eye… Closer… Closer… Real …

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Keyhole watery eye surgery Patients that suffer from watery eye may have a blockage at the common canaliculus. This is the upper part of the tear drain that enters the tear sac. At surgery, the canaliculus is scarred over. In this first foto, I have opened the tear sac and you can see a probe …

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This man had radiation applied to the eye to treat a pterytgium over 20 years earlier. Over time, the radiation causes melting of the wall of the eye, and a dark patch appears where radiation was applied. This dark patch is actually the colour inside the eye, which has now become visible because the wall …

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