Proptosis eyelid rubbing ptosis

Proptosis eyelid rubbing ptosis

This gentleman was referred in for ptosis surgery, and he does have blepharoptosis.

We are trained to look for dangerous causes of ptosis, like brain tumors, but we overlook the common causes.

This man is a great example…

See more before and after photos –

He has bulging eyes, not due to disease, but his orbital structure. This means his eyes are vulnerable to trauma, and in this case, the trauma is self-inflicted!

He rubs his eyes as shown in the photos, rubbing the right more than the left. He has stretched is canthal tendon as well as induced a blepharoptosis.

This is tricky to repair, as the upper lid depends on the canthal tendon to function.

Eye rubbing causing ptosis or droopy eyelid on one side

I repair the canthus first, then lift the lid.

BUT ONLY if the patient stops rubbing!

Lesson here is the same: DON’T RUB YOUR EYES

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