Saltzmans after Pterygium
I undertook pterygium removal for this young man by the perfect technique some 2 years ago.
Over the last 6 months, he has noted his vision deteriorating.
You will see the large saltzmanoid scar centrally in the cornea.
I will arrange for keratectomy, burring and laser polishing.
Why does this happen? Pterygia are a mobile scar that erodes Bowmans membrane of the cornea.
The loss of bowmans is visible at surgery.
Keratocytes can activate and proliferate, despite successful surgery, which can be seen in the second foto.
This is a consequence of damage to bowmans, not recurrence of pterygium.
His vision is excellent, 6l7.5 corrected.
More information available at www.pterygiumsurgery.net.au
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